You can download KXicq from CVS or from SourceForge Download Page.

Crissi has made a page for Suse 7.3 and KXicq2 for KDE2 and KDE3, you can download there RPM’s and a Howto compile KXicq2 on KDE3, check it out here.

The Licq 2 KXicq Contact converting script can be found here !
The ICQ 99/2000 2 KXicq Contact converting script can be found here !

To compile KXicq2 under KDE3 you have to do the following things:

Download the latest CVS
replace the admin dir with a version from lets say kdebase from the kde3 source distribution
change $(LIB_KFILE)\ to $(LIB_KIO)\ in kxicq/
continue the rest of the compilation process


KXicq has now full support for server side contact list ! (13-04-2002)
Please read the README file in the CVS.
KXicq and Suse (05-04-2002)
Tanx to Crissi who made a KXicq2 for Suse page with RPMs etc, check the Download section.
KXicq and KDE 3 (17-03-2002)
KXicq now supports KDE3 ! check CVS and the Changelog how to compile it under KDE3
KXicq news (17-03-2002)
KXicq has not stand still in the last 2 months, no news don’t means no new CVS updates, so we are alive đŸ˜‰
Added Icq 99/2000 2 KXicq script (26-01-2002)
Added a ICQ 99/2000 2 KXicq converting script by Patrik Westerlund, see the Download section
Added Licq 2 KXicq script (25-01-2002)
Added a Licq 2 KXicq converting script by Gerhard Hoogerp, see Download
Sound and Spam (12-01-2002)
Kxicq in CVS now has sound support and a Spam filter !
KXicq and MSN ? (10-01-2002)
I’m now working on a Protocol Plugin System for KXicq, at the same time, i’m working on the MSN protocol as plugin !
New release: 0.7.6 (05-01-2002)
KXicq2 has a new release version: 0.7.6, it is the first stable KXicq2 with ICQ 2000 protocol
Added Non ICQ Contacts (04-01-2002)
You now can add contacts for SMS sending only, which not have a ICQ account.
New website (31-12-2001)
Finnaly a new website for the new KXicq versions with ICQ protocol version 7.
Update Own Info (31-12-2001)
Almost finished the Update Own Info dialog, check CVS!
SMS (26-12-2001)
KXicq now support receiving of SMS, check the CVS
New Contact list (25-12-2001)
The new Contact list in CVS is finished, with group support and much more
SMS (21-12-2001)
KXicq now support sending of SMS, check the CVS


KXicq is the KDE ICQ client, KXicq2 is written for KDE 2 and KDE 3, but also works with other Window Managers like Gnome, Window Maker ( with Docking !) and others. KXicq2 uses the new ICQ protocol version 7, which has much less problems that the old protocol and it can be used behind firewalls ( it can use socks ).

At this moment, KXicq2 is being developed to support the most common ICQ functions and too make the GUI as simple and powerful as possible.

At this moment KXicq2 supports the following features in the latest release:

Full support for sending and receiving messages and URLs
Support for sending and receiving colored messages
Searching of contacts by Email, firstname/lastname and UIN
Fully functional Accepting and Rejecting contacts
Fully functional Sending request for authorization
KDE 2 Docking
Window Maker docking
Full History
Contact exchange
Visible/Invisible List
Update Own Info
New contact list with Group support
Non ICQ contacts for SMS sending
Update basic information
Fully working SMS sending
Fully working SMS receiving
Configurable support for other character sets.
Update Color settings
WindowMaker Dock works again
more security settings
And much more


website names generator for domainsWhen you’re setting up a new website, using a website names generator can be a quick way to get started, offering a plethora of suggestions in seconds. It’s convenient and can spark ideas you might not have considered. However, there’s a flip side—these automated tools often churn out generic names that could fail to establish a strong, unique brand identity. So, how do you strike a balance between efficiency and creativity? Understanding the nuances of these generators and how to use them effectively can make all the difference in your naming journey. Let’s explore this further.

Advantages of Name Generators

When you’re brainstorming for a new website, using a website names generator can save you time and spark creativity. These tools provide a diverse array of suggestions, ensuring you find unique and memorable names. According to recent data, 72% of users found suitable options within minutes. Plus, SEO benefits from relevant keyword suggestions, enhancing your site’s visibility and search engine ranking.

Drawbacks to Consider

Despite their convenience, name generators can sometimes produce generic and uninspiring results that may not resonate with your target audience. Studies show that 73% of consumers prefer brands with unique names. Additionally, automated generators often lack the nuanced understanding of your brand’s identity, leading to names that feel impersonal. This can negatively impact your brand’s perceived value and customer connection.

Balancing Creativity and Convenience

Striking the right balance between creativity and convenience in choosing a website name can greatly impact your brand’s success. Use data-driven insights to find a name that’s both catchy and easy to remember. Generators save time but don’t overlook SEO best practices and brand identity. A well-balanced name boosts visibility and engagement, enhancing your online presence effectively.

Making an Informed Choice

To make an informed choice, leverage analytical tools and trend data to select a website name that aligns with your brand’s goals and audience preferences. Use SEO metrics, keyword popularity, and competitor analysis to gauge potential effectiveness. Look for domain availability and social media handles. By combining data insights with creative input, you’ll guarantee your website name is both strategic and memorable.


When you think about accessibility in mental health care, online counselling in Singapore (eg. TOUCH Community) stands out as a game-changer. You no longer have to worry about the time and expense of traveling to a therapist’s office. Instead, you can schedule sessions that fit your lifestyle, all while breaking down the stigma that often surrounds seeking help. How does this shift impact the overall quality and reach of mental health services in Singapore? And what does the future hold for this evolving landscape? Let’s explore how digital therapy is reshaping mental health care.

The Rise of Online Counselling

In recent years, you’ve likely noticed a significant increase in the availability and popularity of online counselling services in Singapore. Data shows that more Singaporeans are opting for these services due to their convenience and flexibility. Online counselling offers accessible, timely support, allowing you to connect with qualified professionals from the comfort of your home, addressing mental health needs effectively and efficiently.

Overcoming Barriers to Mental Health

Despite various advancements, many people still face significant obstacles when seeking mental health support. You might encounter stigma, financial constraints, or limited availability of services. Research confirms that these barriers can prevent timely intervention and worsen conditions. By recognizing these challenges, you can better understand the importance of accessible mental health services and advocate for solutions that meet your needs.

Benefits of Digital Therapy

Recognizing these barriers underscores the significant advantages of digital therapy, which offers a more accessible and flexible approach to mental health support. You can attend sessions from the comfort of your home, eliminating travel time and costs. Additionally, digital therapy often provides more scheduling options, catering to your busy lifestyle. Research shows that online counseling can be as effective as in-person therapy, ensuring quality care.

Future of Online Counselling in Singapore

As Singapore continues to embrace technological advancements, the future of online counselling looks promising, with innovations poised to enhance accessibility and effectiveness in mental health care. You can expect more AI-driven tools for personalized therapy, virtual reality environments for immersive experiences, and improved data security. These advancements will make mental health support more accessible, tailored, and secure, ultimately benefiting clients across the nation.


Like a well-oiled machine, the logistics industry in Singapore is constantly seeking ways to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. With an increasingly competitive landscape and rising customer demands, companies are turning to automation as a solution to meet these challenges head-on. In a bid to stay ahead in the game, one prominent logistics company in Singapore has recently made a significant investment in automation technologies. This move is not only poised to revolutionize their internal processes but also set a new standard for the industry as a whole.

logistics company in Singapore

Current Challenges in the Logistics Industry

The logistics industry currently faces challenges stemming from increasing consumer demands, fluctuating market conditions, and the need for more efficient supply chain management. With consumer expectations constantly rising, logistics companies must adapt to meet these demands. Market conditions, including economic shifts and global events, directly impact the industry. Efficient supply chain management is crucial for meeting delivery deadlines and ensuring customer satisfaction, making it a top priority for logistics firms.

Benefits of Automation Adoption

Incorporating automation into logistics operations directly addresses the challenges of meeting increasing consumer demands, navigating fluctuating market conditions, and optimizing supply chain management for improved efficiency. Automation adoption streamlines processes, reduces human error, and enhances accuracy, leading to faster and more reliable order fulfillment. By leveraging technology such as automated sorting systems and inventory management software, companies can significantly improve productivity, reduce operational costs, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Implementation of Automated Technologies

To optimize efficiency in your logistics operations, consider integrating automated technologies to streamline processes and enhance productivity. Start by conducting a thorough assessment of your current operations to identify areas where automation can make the most impact. Choose automated solutions that align with your specific operational needs and can seamlessly integrate with your existing systems. Develop a comprehensive implementation plan that includes training for staff and a phased approach to minimize disruption.

Impact of Automation on Operational Efficiency

Considering the potential areas for automation identified through a thorough assessment, the impact on operational efficiency is a strategic focus for optimizing logistics operations in Singapore. Automation has shown a significant reduction in processing times, with an average decrease of 40% across various operational tasks. Additionally, error rates have decreased by 25%, leading to improved accuracy and customer satisfaction. These improvements contribute to a streamlined and more efficient logistics process.


As a caregiver in Singapore, it’s no secret that the demands of looking after a loved one can take a toll on your well-being. The responsibilities can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to put your own needs on the back burner. However, the impact of neglecting your own self-care can have far-reaching consequences, not just for yourself, but also for the person you are caring for. It’s important to recognize the vital role that caregiver support by and self-care play in maintaining the health and happiness of both the caregiver and the care recipient. Understanding the challenges and strategies for prioritizing self-care is crucial for navigating the complex journey of caregiving.

The Growing Need for Caregiver Support

As the demand for caregiving services continues to rise, there is a growing need for adequate support for caregivers in Singapore. Many caregivers face various challenges such as physical and emotional exhaustion, financial strain, and lack of resources. It is crucial to recognize the importance of providing caregivers with the necessary support systems to ensure their well-being and ability to provide quality care to their loved ones.

Challenges Faced by Caregivers in Singapore

The demand for caregiving services in Singapore has led to a multitude of challenges faced by caregivers, including physical and emotional exhaustion, financial strain, and lack of resources. Caregivers often struggle to balance their own well-being with the responsibilities of providing care, leading to burnout and stress. Additionally, the cost of caregiving services and lack of financial support can create significant strain, making it difficult for caregivers to sustain their roles effectively.

Impact of Caregiver Well-being on Care Recipients

Caregiver well-being significantly influences the quality of care received by care recipients, directly impacting their overall health and satisfaction with the care they receive. When caregivers are stressed or fatigued, the care they provide may be compromised. This can lead to care recipients feeling neglected or dissatisfied with their level of support. Conversely, when caregivers prioritize their own well-being, they are better equipped to provide high-quality care, positively impacting the recipients’ overall well-being.

Strategies for Prioritizing Self-Care as a Caregiver

Striving to prioritize your own well-being as a caregiver is essential for maintaining the high-quality support that directly impacts the overall well-being of care recipients. Start by setting boundaries and allocating specific time for self-care activities. Communicate your needs to family and friends, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when necessary. Utilize community resources and support groups to share experiences and gather valuable tips for self-care.


Did you know that the evolution of lighting in Singapore has been nothing short of remarkable? Over the years, traditional lighting fixtures have given way to modern and innovative solutions, transforming the urban landscape of this vibrant city. In this article, we will explore the historical significance of traditional lighting, delve into the technological advancements that have revolutionized lighting design, and examine the impact of modern lighting on Singapore’s urban development. Additionally, we’ll discuss sustainability and energy efficiency in contemporary lighting design, as well as future trends in lighting technology for Singapore. Get ready to embark on a journey through time as we uncover the fascinating transformation from traditional to modern lighting in Singapore by

Historical Significance of Traditional Lighting in Singapore

Traditional lighting in Singapore has played a significant role in shaping the country’s history and culture. The use of oil lamps, candles, and later gas lamps provided illumination for homes, streets, and public spaces. These traditional lighting methods not only served practical purposes but also contributed to the aesthetics of the cityscape. They created a warm and welcoming ambiance while highlighting architectural features. The historical significance of traditional lighting cannot be overstated as it reflects the evolution of Singapore’s urban development and cultural heritage.

Technological Advancements in Lighting Solutions

You can now enjoy a wide range of advanced lighting solutions in Singapore that incorporate the latest technologies. These innovative lighting solutions offer enhanced functionality, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. LED lighting has become increasingly popular due to its long lifespan, low power consumption, and flexibility in color options. Smart lighting systems are also gaining traction, allowing users to remotely control and automate their lights through smartphone apps or voice commands. With these advancements, Singapore is on the forefront of modern lighting technology.

Impact of Modern Lighting on Singapore’s Urban Landscape

The impact of modern lighting solutions can be seen in Singapore’s urban landscape through their ability to create a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere. With the advent of LED technology, energy-efficient lighting options have become widely available, resulting in reduced energy consumption and lower maintenance costs. In addition, advanced lighting control systems allow for precise adjustments to brightness levels and color temperatures, enabling designers to create visually striking effects that enhance architectural features and transform public spaces into captivating nighttime environments.

Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Contemporary Lighting Design

LED technology has revolutionized contemporary lighting design by providing energy-efficient and sustainable solutions. LEDs consume significantly less power compared to traditional lighting sources, resulting in reduced electricity bills and carbon emissions. Their long lifespan also reduces maintenance costs and waste generation. Furthermore, LED lights can be easily controlled and dimmed, allowing for precise lighting adjustments based on specific requirements. These advancements have made LED technology the preferred choice for architects and designers seeking sustainable lighting solutions.

Future Trends in Lighting Technology for Singapore

With advancements in technology, future lighting trends in Singapore are becoming more energy-efficient and sustainable. LED lighting is expected to dominate the market, offering long lifespans, low energy consumption, and high-quality illumination. Smart lighting systems will also play a crucial role in optimizing energy usage by automatically adjusting brightness levels based on occupancy and natural light availability. Furthermore, the integration of renewable energy sources like solar power into lighting infrastructure will further enhance sustainability efforts in Singapore.